
   发布日期:2022-08-30 06:04:48     手机:https://m.haocat.cn/zonghe/news120525.html    违规举报
核心提示:银杏叶片的作用(银杏叶片最佳服用时间)银杏叶提取物可改善记忆,有益于老年痴呆【文献解读】2021年3月,中国科技大学第一附属医院研究团队和青岛大学附属医院研究团队一起在期刊《American Journal of Translational





2021年3月,中国科技大学第一附属医院研究团队和青岛大学附属医院研究团队一起在期刊《American Journal of Translational Research》发表文章:银杏叶提取物可改善小鼠的记忆障碍。

本研究在小鼠身上进行了不同剂量的银杏叶提取物(0、10、20、30 mg/kg)试验,每天1次,连续4个月腹腔注射。连续注射4个月后,检测小鼠学习记忆任务、A-β、海马齿状回神经发生及海马齿状回神经元的形态学特征。结果表明,银杏叶提取物(20 mg/kg和30 mg/kg)可改善小鼠的记忆障碍。与未治疗的小鼠相比,银杏叶提取物可减少小鼠A-β阳性信号的数目,增加新生神经元的数目,增加小鼠的树突分枝和树突棘密度。




Previous studies have indicated that the generation of newborn hippocampal neurons is impaired in the early phase of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). A potential therapeutic strategy being pursued for the treatment of AD is increasing the number of newborn neurons in the adult hippocampus. Recent studies have demonstrated that ginkgo biloba extract (EGb 761) plays a neuroprotective role by preventing memory loss in many neurodegenerative diseases. However, the extent of EGb 761’s protective role in the AD process is unclear. In this study, different doses of EGb 761 (0, 10, 20, and 30 mg/kg; intraperitoneal injections once every day for four months) were tested on 5×FAD mice. After consecutive 4-month injections, mice were tested in learning memory tasks, Aβ, and neurogenesis in the dentate gyrus (DG) of hippocampus and morphological characteristics of neurons in DG of hippocampus. Results indicated that EGb 761 (20 and 30 mg/kg) ameliorated memory deficits. Further analysis indicated that EGb 761 can reduce the number of Aβ positive signals in 5×FAD mice, increase the number of newborn neurons, and increase dendritic branching and density of dendritic spines in 5×FAD mice compared to nontreated 5×FAD mice. It was concluded that EGb 761 plays a protective role in the memory deficit of 5×FAD mice


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